Field Updates

Final State Budget Summary
May 9, 2023 2 min read
Late Wednesday, state lawmakers approved a $229 billion state budget, nearly a month after the April 1 deadline.
Summaries of New Climate-related Laws in NYC
May 9, 2023 1 min read
Following passage of NYC Local Law 154 of 2021, the construction of certain new buildings in NYC will not be allowed to utilize fossil fuel burning systems.
NAR Urges FHFA to Eliminate LLPA Increases
May 3, 2023 1 min read
On April 26, NAR sent a letter to the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) urging for the elimination of recently announced increases in upfront fees
New York Set to Ban Gas Furnaces, Stoves in New Buildings
May 3, 2023 1 min read
Under the recently announced state budget agreement announced by Gov. Hochul, New York will require new buildings to be zero-emissions starting in 2026
Gov. Hochul Announces ‘Conceptual’ State Budget Deal
May 3, 2023 1 min read
Gov. Kathy Hochul announced late Thursday that she and Democratic leaders of the state Legislature reached a “conceptual agreement” on a $229 billion state budget
NYSAR Meets with State Lawmakers on Coop Transparency and First-time Homebuyer Program
May 3, 2023 1 min read
This week, NSYAR met with state lawmakers and staff advocating for introducing and advancing priority legislation, including bills that would help first-time homebuyers
NYSAR Pre-Lobby Day Issues Briefing Live Zoom: April 28 at 11 AM
Apr 26, 2023 1 min read
REALTORS® are invited to attend virtually NYSAR’s Pre-Lobby Day Issues Briefing Live Zoom on Friday, April 28 at 11 AM.
Reported: Major Housing Policy Removed from State Budget Negotiations
Apr 26, 2023 1 min read
Reporting has indicated that major housing policy is being removed from state budget negotiations as Gov. Kathy Hochul and state lawmakers have failed to come to an agreement
NYSAR Meets with Sen. Sanders’ Office on Coop Disclosure
Apr 26, 2023 1 min read
This week, NYSAR staff met with Sen. James Sanders’ office (D-Queens) to discuss advancing NYSAR-supported coop fairness and transparency legislation
Housing Becomes Top Issue Stalling Budget
Apr 17, 2023 1 min read
Housing appears to have become the top budget issue being negotiated between Gov. Kathy Hochul and the state Legislature surpassing bail reform talks
NYC Council Introduces Coop Transparency Bill
Apr 17, 2023 1 min read
Following NYSAR advocacy efforts, NYC Council Member Marjorie Velazquez has introduced a NYSAR-supported bill (Int. 1002) that would combat illegal discrimination
Take Action Today – “Good Cause” Eviction Still Being Considered in State Budget
Apr 11, 2023 1 min read
Legislation to impose “good cause” eviction, which would cap annual rent increases on non-owner-occupied apartments under 4 units to 3% or lower
Expected Further Delay for State Budget
Apr 10, 2023 1 min read
Governor Kathy Hochul indicated she may issue a second budget extender as the initial budget extension deadline of April 10 approaches.
NAR Forms Housing Solutions Coalition to Address National Rent Control Issues
Apr 10, 2023 1 min read
NAR recently announced the creation of the  Housing Solutions Coalition, which NAR is a founding member of.
State Identifies ‘Disadvantaged Communities’ to Receive Extra Climate Funding
Apr 5, 2023 1 min read
New York has finalized a list of disadvantaged communities that are mandated to receive at least 35% of the total statewide spending on clean and energy efficiency programs
New York's State Budget Is Expected To Be Late
Apr 5, 2023 1 min read
Disagreements over changes to New York's controversial bail law and “good cause” eviction as well as how to expand housing in the state are fueling what is expected to result
Electrification Proposals Turn Focus on New Construction
Mar 29, 2023 1 min read
Gov. Kathy Hochul and state lawmakers appear to be aligned on new measures to phase out fossil fuel combustion equipment – furnaces, water heaters, dryers and stoves – in new homes
NY Faces Rising Customer Bills for Gas as New York Electrifies, Report Says
Mar 22, 2023 1 min read
As policymakers continue to negotiate decarbonization in New York, they have so far declined to outline in detail the costs to individual households and ratepayers
Senate and Assembly Release their One-House Budgets
Mar 22, 2023 2 min read
The state Senate and Assembly released their respective one-house budget proposals on Tuesday signaling the Legislature’s response to Gov. Kathy Hochul’s initial Executive Budget proposal released
Push for Co-op Fairness and Transparency
Mar 15, 2023 1 min read
“Inside City Hall” news reporter Errol Louis recently highlighted the need for more transparency and fairness in the co-op purchasing process and discussed legislation that would require a written