LIBOR will be closed January 20th. Have a safe and happy holiday!
If you own a website, you could be subject to claims of copyright infringement. In order to protect yourself against such claims, you must follow the safe harbor guidelines of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).
Copyright infringement occurs when a person uses the creative work of another, such as a picture or an article, without that person’s permission. Anyone who wants to use the material of another in any way must seek the permission of the person who created the work. Using someone else’s work without permission could subject you to copyright infringement claims.
The DMCA can shield you from certain copyright liability. The DMCA will protect website owners when the infringing content is placed on the website by third parties (by people other than the website’s owner). This would apply to you if you have a blog and allow others to upload content and photographs or if you subscribe to IDX where third party information is contained on your website.
If you own a website and upload infringing material yourself, you will not be protected by the DMCA.
To protect yourself against claims of copyright infringement, follow these DMCA safe harbor guidelines:
Copyright infringement is a very serious and costly offense. To take full advantage of the DMCA protections, please immediately include the DMCA Notice on your website and be sure to follow all of its requirements.