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NOTICE: The information on this page may not be current. The archive is a collection of content previously published by Long Island Board of REALTORS® (LIBOR). Archive pages are not updated and may no longer be accurate. Users must independently verify the accuracy and currency of the information found here. LIBOR disclaims all liability for any loss or injury resulting from the use of the information or data found on this page.
Adding your photo to Matrix in the roster adds it as an option to include in your email signature, print header, OneHome branding, MLS-Touch Agent Directory, and even the consumer-facing site OneKeyMLS.com. This lets colleagues, clients, and potential clients put a face to the name, fostering a sense of connection. Your agent photo will appear in Matrix Agent Search, on OneKeyMLS.com (our consumer-facing site), and on your association portal (where available) within 24 hours.