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New LIBOR Board of Directors Election Results Announced

Sep 13, 2023

Long Island Board of REALTORS® (LIBOR) is pleased to announce the newly elected 2024/25 At-Large Board of Directors.

Voting took place online on September 13, 2023, and election results were announced at LIBOR’s Virtual General Membership Meeting, held simultaneously. A total of thirteen (13) At-Large Directors were elected to 2-year terms.

Board of Director applications were accepted beginning in February. The Credentials Review Committee reviewed all candidate applications for the At-Large Director position to confirm each candidate met the minimum criteria as set forth in the LIBOR Bylaws and Policy and Procedures manual.

LIBOR’s Board of Directors comprises twenty-seven (27) At-Large Directors and four (4) members of the Executive Committee; all of whom are members of LIBOR.

The Elected Directors At-Large 2024/25:

Matthew Arnold, Christopher Bacchus, Rob Choudhury, Frederic “Rick” Greene, Renee Hughes, David Legaz, Stephan Mahabir, Janay Malloy, Christina Mathieson, Denis Murphy, Eyston Perez, Ruth Pfeffer, Mary Alice Ruppert.

Kevin Leatherman will serve as the 2024 LIBOR President.

2024 LIBOR Officers as elected by the Board of Directors of LIBOR on June 21, 2023:
President-Elect, Mark Donnelly; Secretary/Treasurer, Rao A. Shaan Khan. Gina Marie Bettenhauser will also serve on the Executive Committee as immediate Past President.

The following At-Large Directors will be in the second year of their 2-year term for 2024:

Glenn Boggia, Melissa Brandt, Barbara Bucovetsky, Lydia Bueso Roman, Judy Cangemi, Christine Dickson, Joosoo Kim, Claire Leface, Margaret MacRae, Angela Prince, Kalen Raynor, Paige Ryan, Erica Turner.

These elected volunteer leaders will meet regularly to make decisions about how best to invest member resources to implement the association’s strategic goals and to work diligently to represent the needs and values of our members.

The 2024 Board of Directors will be installed at LIBOR’s Annual Installation and Awards Ceremony held in January.