"The Long Island Housing Partnership will be providing 32 new single-family, affordable homes in North Bellport, according to an announcement from Brookhaven Supervisor Dan Panico (R) and Councilman Michael Loguercio [R-Bellport, Gordon Heights, Middle Island]," reported Long Island Business News.
“Each of the homes will also have a one-bedroom accessory apartment and will be sold to first-time home buyers through LIHP’s Community Land Trust program. The homes will be built on vacant land on Ecke Avenue, according to the statement from the Town of Brookhaven. North Bellport was granted $4.5 million in state funds for downtown improvements through the New York Forward initiative, which aims to accelerate the revitalization of downtowns through the support of projects that will create 'vibrant destinations' and serve as catalysts for increased investment."