Changes coming to the Town of Hempstead? "Since the start of Hempstead Town’s councilmanic districts in 2000, the 5th District seat has always been held by a Republican - from Angie Cullen to Erin King-Sweeney to the late Chris Carini. Now, a Democrat with significant name recognition is running for the seat, in a special election," reported Newsday. "Multiple Democratic observers told The Point that former Nassau County Legislature Minority Leader Abrahams (D-Freeport) - along with State Senate Democratic candidate Siela Bynoe (D-Westbury) - could be crucial players in driving up turnout that could help fellow Democrat Laura Gillen take back the 4th Congressional District seat held by Republican Anthony D’Esposito." Abrahams will run against Seaford community leader Chris Schneider (R), who this week was temporarily appointed by the Hempstead Town Board.
Newsday reports Nassau Republicans could have a backup plan: "The way insiders see it, D’Esposito could become Don Clavin’s (R) successor as Town Supervisor - depending on a couple of 'ifs.' If the congressman, targeted as vulnerable by the national Democrats, falls short of winning a second term, the county GOP, which considers him family, would no doubt still run him for another valued elected office. What if the party selects Clavin to become a judge, which has been a rumored possibility for some time? That could allow Republicans to nominate D’Esposito in Clavin’s place."
Meanwhile, former County Legislator Josh Lafazan (D-Woodbury) could be eying a comeback after last year's legally-challenged redistricting map led to his loss, reported Newsday. "Lafazan is now represented by County Legis. Arnie Drucker (D-Plainview) and State Assemb. Steve Stern (D-Huntington). But some observers have suggested Drucker might run for a countywide office next year, in which case the legislative seat might open up. And if the lines are redrawn again, that, too, could change the political dynamic for Lafazan. 'If there’s an opportunity for me to serve my neighbors, of course, I’m going to look at it,' Lafazan said."