Jan 29, 2025
"A landmark redistricting case alleging Republican gerrymandering in Nassau County was settled January 23, with a Westchester judge signing off on a new map that redraws the lines of 19 legislative districts, according to court filings," reported Newsday. "The new map, to be used in this year's county elections, creates six 'majority-minority' districts where communities of color make up more than 50% of voters and one 'Asian influence' district combining areas where the Asian American population is growing, settlement documents show."
"In place until 2032, the map supersedes the one used in the 2023 county races. The 2023 map had four majority-minority districts and no Asian influence district. Candidates in the upcoming November elections would run to represent districts based on new boundaries but residents will keep their current representation until new legislators take office next year, attorneys said."
CUNY's Graduate Center has laid out the new boundaries on an interactive map where you can enter your address. The current Nassau County Legislature stands at 12 Republicans, 6 Democrats, and 1 vacancy following Siela Bynoe's (D) resignation to become a new State Senator this month.
Mar 11, 2025
Mar 4, 2025