Director Application

Applications must be submitted no later than April 11, 2025  

Required Fields *


ARTICLE XI (Officers and Directors) of the LIBOR Bylaws establishes Director At-large positions. At each Annual Meeting of the Members, the Members shall elect At-Large Directors to fill expiring terms, with each At-Large Director to hold office for a term of two (2) years and until their successors are elected.

  • No more than four (4) At-large Directors may be from the same firm at the time of election or appointment to fill a vacancy.
  • No more than thirteen (13) At-large Directors may be from any one particular County at the time of election or appointment to fill a vacancy.
  • Effective 2025, any member who has served three (3) consecutive terms or six (6) consecutive years as a Director is not eligible to begin a term for an At-large Director position for at least two (2) years. These term limits shall not apply to Officer Positions, and time spent serving as an Officer shall not count toward the accrual of time with respect to At-large Director term limits. 


MANDATORY FAIRHAVEN TRAINING REQUIREMENT FOR LEADERSHIP: In order to be eligible to serve as a LIBOR Director or Officer, NAR or NYSAR Director, Delegate, or on any LIBOR Committee, Task Force, Advisory Group or any other volunteer leadership position, members must have completed the NAR Course titled “Fairhaven” (or any future NAR course that replaces Fairhaven).

Directors:  Must be a REALTOR® for at least three years; must have served within the last three years as a LIBOR Director, Committee or Task Force member, or NYSAR or NAR Director or Committee Member; and must not have been removed for cause as an Officer or Director within the last 5 years pursuant to Article XI, Section 9 of the Bylaws.      


The Board of Directors as elected by the membership serves as the governing body of the Board as defined in the bylaws.

  • Attend scheduled Board of Directors meetings.
  • Vote on all committee chairpersons, vice chairpersons and committee members appointed by the President.
  • Vote on the operating budget.
  • Vote on all committee Action Items and finances when applicable.
  • Review and/or ratify actions of the Executive Committee consummated in the interim between Directors meetings.
  • Vote on all expenditures other than those delegated to Executive Committee or staff.
  • Eligible to serve as a LIBOR appointed NYSAR Director.
  • Attend the Annual Installation Dinner/Dance to be officially installed.
  • An individual Director shall not knowingly take a position contrary to that of the Board of Directors without expressing the Board’s position.

The Election of the At-large Directors of the Long Island Board of REALTORS® shall take place at the Annual Membership Meeting on September 10, 2025.

The Credential Review Committee shall review all applications for candidates for the At-large Directors to confirm each candidate meets the minimum criteria as set forth in the LIBOR Bylaws and Policy and Procedures Manual. 

The election shall be by plurality, rather than majority. Election shall be by ballot and all votes shall be cast in person.  There shall be no proxy voting or absentee voting for the election of Directors.   The ballot shall contain the names of all qualified candidates and the offices for which they are running.  No write-in candidates shall be eligible for election.

No member of the Credential Review Committee nor staff can endorse a candidate seeking an officer or director position or a person seeking nomination for a LIBOR award.  For the purpose of this section the term “ENDORSE” includes, but is not limited to, any public support of a candidate whether written, verbal or otherwise.  If a member of the Credential Review Committee (“CRC Member”) endorses a candidate that CRC Member will be immediately removed from serving on the Credential Review Committee.  A staff member who endorses may be disciplined as determined by the CEO.  If a candidate requests, allows, accepts, agrees to, acquiesces in, or has knowledge of, an endorsement from a CRC Member or staff member, without taking action to prevent or disclose the endorsement to an officer or the Board of Directors in writing, that candidate’s application may be deemed void and such candidate may not apply for an officer or director position or an award until the following year.

No member may serve on this committee who is seeking to be elected for an officer or director position or who is seeking nomination for a LIBOR award.


  1. Background Check:
Acknowledgment *

  1. Have you ever been convicted of any felony offense?
  2. Are you the subject of any pending criminal litigation or do you have any outstanding warrants or anticipate any warrants for your arrest? 
  3. Has your real estate license ever been suspended or revoked for disciplinary reasons? 
  4. Are you the subject of any pending New York State Department of State disciplinary investigation, civil litigation or civil judgments? 

If I answer “YES” to any of the questions above, I will be able to provide a detailed explanation and date describing each incident.

I understand and agree *

  1. Phone Number: By providing my cell phone number, if I am elected to the Board of Directors, I consent to LIBOR sharing my phone number with other Directors, and to receiving phone calls and/or text messages at this number from LIBOR staff and other Directors.
  2.  Email Address: By providing my e-mail address, if I am elected to the Board of Directors, I consent to LIBOR sharing my e-mail address with other Directors, and to receiving e-mails at this address from LIBOR staff and other Directors.
  3.  Commitment, Requirements, and Protocol: I understand the time commitment, requirements, and protocol of LIBOR Director Positions. If elected, I shall fulfill the expectations of the position to the best of my ability, and always in the best interest of LIBOR.
  4. LIBOR’s Strategic Plan I have read LIBOR’s Strategic Plan, including its Mission Statement, and agree to uphold the bylaws of the Association.
  5. LIBOR’s Fair Housing Declaration: I have read LIBOR’s Fair Housing Declaration and understand that LIBOR Directors are annually asked to complete the Declaration.
  6. Leadership Development Pledge: I understand that LIBOR’s Directors are annually asked to take a Leadership Development Pledge to better fulfill their roles as Directors, including taking REALTORS Excelling in Association Leadership (REAL) 3 hour online self-study, Fairhaven: A Fair Housing Simulation 1-1.5 hour online self-guided simulation, and Commitment to Excellence (C2EX).
  7. Time commitment: I understand the time commitment involved with being a Director and, if elected, I agree to attend Board meetings, special meetings and related events.  Additionally, I understand that as a Director, I may be called upon to represent LIBOR on the New York State Association of Realtors and/or National Association of Realtors and agree to make myself available for these duties.
  8. Sensitive information: I understand that, if elected as a Director, I will be privy to sensitive information about our Association and membership, such as financial, legal and other information necessary to perform my duties.  I agree to uphold the confidentiality of Board business and use discretion in all discussion of these matters, as directed by the Board of Directors.
  9.  Fiduciary of the Association: I understand that, if elected as a Director, I will be a fiduciary of the Association, and I must uphold my fiduciary duties to the Association, which will require the exercise of reasonable care in performing functions for LIBOR, and exhibiting honesty, good faith and loyalty to LIBOR.  I must maintain professionalism and a leadership presence when expressing myself personally in public and on social media, including abiding by LIBOR’s Social Media Guidelines.  The duties of good faith and loyalty will require me to avoid Conflicts of Interest and to safeguard LIBOR’s best interests, and not my own.  I agree to disclose all known Conflicts of Interest pursuant to and abide by LIBOR’s Conflict of Interest Policy.  I also agree to abide by and uphold all of LIBOR’s other policies, including LIBOR’s Code of Conduct and Sexual Harassment Policy, Antitrust Policy and Whistleblower Policy.
  10. Application may be made public: I understand that my responses to the Candidate Questions on this application that are below may be made public for the purpose of allowing LIBOR membership an opportunity to consider candidates

Candidate Questions:

Provide a short 4 to 5 sentence response for each question in the space provided below:

By clicking the Submit button, you hereby agree to all the Acknowledgments stated herein.